Семинары ИПФ РАН
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Календарь заседаний
Даниил Карташов (Факультет Физики и Астрономии, Университет Фридриха Шиллера Йена, Германия)Origin of ultrafast dephasing in high-order harmonic generation in solids
High-order harmonic generation (HHG) in solids is profoundly influenced by the dephasing of the coherent electron-hole motion driven by an external laser field. The exact physical mechanisms underlying this dephasing, crucial for accurately understanding and modelling HHG spectra, have remained elusive and controversial, often regarded more as an empirical observation than a firmly established principle. In this talk, I present comprehensive experimental findings on the wavelength-dependency of HHG in both single-atomic-layer and bulk semiconductors. These findings are further corroborated by rigorous numerical simulations, employing ab initio real-time, real-space time-dependent density functional theory and semiconductor Bloch equations. Our experimental observations necessitate the introduction of a novel concept: a momentum-dependent dephasing time in HHG. Through detailed analysis, we pinpoint momentum-dependent electron-phonon scattering as the predominant mechanism driving dephasing. This insight significantly advances the understanding of dephasing phenomena in solids, addressing a long-standing debate in the field. Furthermore, our findings pave the way for a novel, all-optical measurement technique to determine electron-phonon scattering rates and establish fundamental limits to the efficiency of HHG in condensed matter